Nutra offer is a vertical that typically refers to health and wellness offerings, biologically active dietary supplements (BADS) such as dietary supplements, vitamins, male enhancement products, cosmetics, etc. The term can be used in the context of marketing or advertising to refer to a specific category of products or services being sold.
Nutra offers types
In affiliate marketing, such offers are usually targeted at specific niches of consumers looking for health improvement products. Products are usually created in the form of pills, creams, or drops. It is important to understand that nutraceuticals are different from pharma, as they have no side effects and are not a drug. Such offers are a stable and opportunity for beginners, as there are a lot of such offers. At the same time, you will face with big competition, so you will have to be creative to make good sales.
Let's take a look at the most popular product categories and targeting tricks:
- Dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals, herbal extracts, probiotics, omega-3, etc.). The target audience is athletes aged 30-35, people with special diets (vegans, vegetarians, keto). In the fall and winter, products to support immunity are also covered, and the target audience is expanding accordingly.
- Slimming products (pills, detox teas, meal replacements, protein powders, etc.). They usually gain popularity before the winter and summer holidays, as people want to prepare for a beach vacation or a New Year's corporate party (hello, last-minute gym rats) without any extra effort. The target audience is interested in quick results, mostly women aged 30+. In advertising, we highlight naturalness and positive feedback from influencers.
- Cosmetic products (anti-aging creams, skin care products, hair products, natural cosmetics, acne treatment, etc.)As with weight loss products, the highlight is on the naturalness of the ingredients and effectiveness, often with a guarantee of quick results. Mostly targeted at women, but some products are also designed for men.
- Products for men's and women's health (reproductive function support, supplements to increase libido, anti-menopause products, penis or breast enlargement). The target audience is mostly men, you can target almost any age (18+). The products are all-seasonal. The accent is on quick results and the absence of negative side effects.
- Fitness products (supplements to increase muscle mass, energy bars, drinks to increase endurance or speed up recovery). The target audience is athletes aged 30-35. Creatives are similar to weight loss products, with an added emphasis on quick recovery.
- Natural remedies (Ayurvedic and any alternative medicine products used to improve the general condition). We target older people, focusing on quick results and the absence of side reactions.
- Sleep support products (active supplements to improve sleep quality, such as melatonin, herbal teas, etc.) Target audience: older people, athletes, people with non-standard work schedules, parents of young children.
- Products for reducing stress (adaptogens, soothing herbs, relaxation products). Target audience - people in difficult situations, employees in areas of high responsibility, people with workaholism.
The information above helps to understand the basic categories and target. For each product, you need to look for a unique approach, choose the right season, and understand who needs it more than anyone else. You shouldn't try to sell a joint pain cream to people aged 18-30 if they don't play sports professionally. Understanding the purpose of products is often quite obvious.
Nutra: specifics of the portrait of the target audience and GEO
When choosing offers in the area of nutra (health and beauty), it is important to take into account the specifics of each of them, as well as the specifics of the chosen country. Care products are popular and do well in certain geographical areas where they are actively promoted by bloggers. In Ukraine, you've seen a well-known influencer advertise an ointment or cream more than once. Most of the time, these are paid ads created to spread rumors about their effectiveness. This was the case with charcoal stickers for acne on the nose, black tar or hair removal wax.
Usually, hype (increased attention to a product) in this niche moves from Tier I countries to Tier II or Tier III countries, but it is better to make a test for a small budget or use a spy service and test the trend. Some product categories sell well during specific seasons, such as slimming products that are popular among women in the spring, before winter holidays, and during the beach season. At the same time, men also want to build muscle in the spring, so sports nutritional supplements can be in high demand (especially if you target single men).
It is worth considering that some geographical locations have specifics. In Thailand, parasite control products are popular, and in Germany, teeth whitening products are popular. The French and British prefer nutritional supplements and personal care products.
There are all-season categories of offers sold in all countries, such as products to improve potency, penis and breast enlargement.
In terms of payouts, nutra is no exception, and tier one offers the highest payouts, but there is also more competition. Working with tier two and tier three countries will allow you to drive more traffic for less money and win with the number of leads. If you are a beginner, it is worth taking a look at these countries to learn and not to drain your entire budget.
What are the main payment models for nutra?
Nutra offers offer 3 main categories of payment:
- Cash-On-Delivery (COD):
- The idea: The user places an order and pays for the goods upon delivery, after which you receive payment for this customer.
- Pros: Reduces the barrier for potential buyers when leaving contact information, since the user does not pay in advance. Allows you to work in countries with a low culture of online payments.
- Cons: Usually, such leads give a bigger profit, but everything depends on the call center, because your work ends at the stage when the potential lead has left his contacts, and then it all depends on how the employee will process this lead. If the call center works poorly and the scripts are poorly written, it is likely that this lead will not buy the product and, accordingly, you will not receive your fees. - You should know: In European countries, the failure rate is lower.
- Trial:
- The idea: The user orders a trial period, or a product at a reduced price, after which a subscription to regular purchases at full price is activated.
- Pros: Attracts customers at a low cost, which increases the chances of further subscription. Generates a stable revenue stream. In most cases, you get paid if the lead leaves a correct email address and for each subsequent month of subscription that the customer has stayed.
- Cons: The risk that the user will not renew the subscription after the trial period.
- Worth knowing: To receive a stable income from existing subscribers, it is worth establishing high-quality support for these people.
- SS (Straight Sales):
- The idea: A user makes a purchase of a product without trial periods or subscriptions.
- Advantages: Direct and one-time earnings from each transaction. No need for further efforts to retain the customer.
- Cons: May require more effort to convince the user to make a purchase. Lower potential for stable, long-term profit compared to other payment models.
Of course, there are other models and nuances, it all depends on the product, its delivery and sales subtlety.
In affiliate marketing for nutra products, understanding the specific needs of different consumer niches and tailoring offers accordingly is key. Popular categories include dietary supplements, slimming products, cosmetic items, and health products for men and women. Each category targets specific demographics and seasons, emphasizing aspects like natural ingredients and quick results. Additionally, geographical nuances play a significant role, with certain products being more popular in specific regions. Payment models in nutra marketing vary, including Cash-On-Delivery, Trial, and Straight Sales, each with its pros and cons. Marketers must adapt strategies based on product type, target audience, and regional preferences for effective campaigns.